
由AAmirkhany著作·2020·被引用14次—TheRxcomprisesananalogfrontend,a.CDRcircuittorecoveraclockandsampleandrecovertheincomingdata,andadeserializer.Thefocus ...,•Introductionandbasicsofclockanddatarecoverycircuits.•Clockrecoveryarchitecturesandissues.•Phaseandfrequencydetectorsforrandomdata.,,Theaimoftherecoverycircuitistoderiveaclockthatissynchronouswiththeincomingdata.·Itsabilitytodothisisdepende...

Basics of Clock and Data Recovery Circuits

由 A Amirkhany 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 14 次 — The Rx comprises an analog front end, a. CDR circuit to recover a clock and sample and recover the incoming data, and a deserializer. The focus ...


• Introduction and basics of clock and data recovery circuits. • Clock recovery architectures and issues. • Phase and frequency detectors for random data.

Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1

The aim of the recovery circuit is to derive a clock that is synchronous with the incoming data. · Its ability to do this is dependent upon seeing transitions in ...

What is clock and data recovery?

2020年9月28日 — The use of clock and data recovery, or CDR, provides improved clock and data synchronization and also reduces timing uncertainty. In ...